Garment Bags
Luggagedesigners offers some of the best garment bags for travel you can fine anywhere. Whether you're looking for a garment bag carry on or that garment bag for a wedding dress we have a selection that can fit most anyone’s needs. Look at our collections of garment bags with wheels or an over the shoulder garment bag. Keep your clothes wrinkle free and ready for your event when you travel with our travel garment bags from Luggagedesigners. While it may seem like disheveled, wrinkly clothes are inevitable during travel, there are certain precautions both celebrities and us regular folk can take to preserve overall neatness upon arrival. Namely, invest in a quality garment bag. The garment bag lends itself to business travelers toting suits from city to city, but it’s also the perfect tool for anyone looking to arrive at his or her destination and not worry about finding the nearest ironing board. You can look at a Briggs and Riley Garment bag that offers a lifetime warranty that even covers airline damage or a fashionable Brics hand made in Italy garment bag that offers function and fashion. Samsonite and Travelpro both offer a wide selection of garment luggage at affordable prices. You can always find a garment bag near me because Luggagedesigners ships worldwide and has free shipping on everything in the 48 states. Look to Luggagedesigners for your next trip on the best quality garment bags you can find anywhere.
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Claire Chase Classic Leather Garment Bag
$399.99 $349.00
Brand Claire Chase
SKU: 216-1
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Claire Chase Ultra Leather Garment Bag
$399.99 $309.00
Brand Claire Chase
SKU: 205-3
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